

One of the recent trends in government is to convey a sense of accountability and fiscal responsibility to its constituents. To this end, the State of Nevada and Aeris Enterprises, Inc. partnered in implementing the Nevada Open Government website ( This is the state's answer to promoting financial transparency, by showing taxpayers where their money is being spent.


  • A simplified, online means for viewing the state's adopted budget, and the resulting spending against it
  • Links to executive budget charts and graphs that communicate key economic indicators at a glance (Unemployment Rates, Home Prices Index, New Home Construction stats)
  • Detailed statistics about state contracts, grants and expenditures
  • Position and salary data for state employees
  • Federal funding received by the state from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
  • Capability to "drill down" on a specific budget line item to view all supporting detail
  • Links to other relevant transparency sites